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                                    Sacred Heart, made the following observation. %u201cThere can be no doubt that pastoral commitmentand missionary zeal will fan into flame, if priests and laity alike, in their desire to spread the gloryof God, contemplate the example of eternal love that Christ has shown us, and direct their effortsto make all men and women sharers in the unfathomable riches of Christ%u201d. [225] As wecontemplate the Sacred Heart, mission becomes a matter of love. For the greatest danger inmission is that, amid all the things we say and do, we fail to bring about a joyful encounter with thelove of Christ who embraces us and saves us.209. Mission, as a radiation of the love of the heart of Christ, requires missionaries who arethemselves in love and who, enthralled by Christ, feel bound to share this love that has changedtheir lives. They are impatient when time is wasted discussing secondary questions orconcentrating on truths and rules, because their greatest concern is to share what they haveexperienced. They want others to perceive the goodness and beauty of the Beloved through theirefforts, however inadequate they may be. Is that not the case with any lover? We can take as anexample the words with which Dante Alighieri sought to express this logic of love:%u201cIo dico che, pensando al suo valoreamor si dolce si mi si fa sentire,che s%u2019io allora non perdessi ardirefarei parlando innamorar la gente%u201d. [226]210. To be able to speak of Christ, by witness or by word, in such a way that others seek to lovehim, is the greatest desire of every missionary of souls. This dynamism of love has nothing to dowith proselytism; the words of a lover do not disturb others, they do not make demands or oblige,they only lead others to marvel at such love. With immense respect for their freedom and dignity,the lover simply waits for them to inquire about the love that has filled his or her life with such greatjoy.211. Christ asks you never to be ashamed to tell others, with all due discretion and respect, aboutyour friendship with him. He asks that you dare to tell others how good and beautiful it is that youfound him. %u201cEveryone who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before myFather in heaven%u201d (Mt 10:32). For a heart that loves, this is not a duty but an irrepressible need:%u201cWoe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel!%u201d (1 Cor 9:16). %u201cWithin me there is something like aburning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot%u201d (Jer 20:9).In communion of service212. We should not think of this mission of sharing Christ as something only between Jesus and49
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