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                                    yet even in our slightest works of mercy, his heart is glorified and displays all its grandeur. Onceour hearts welcome the love of Christ in complete trust, and enable its fire to spread in our lives,we become capable of loving others as Christ did, in humility and closeness to all. In this way,Christ satisfies his thirst and gloriously spreads the flames of his ardent and gracious love in usand through us. How can we fail to see the magnificent harmony present in all this?204. Finally, in order to appreciate this devotion in all of its richness, it is necessary to add, in thelight of what we have said about its Trinitarian dimension, that the reparation made by Christ in hishumanity is offered to the Father through the working of the Holy Spirit in each of us.Consequently, the reparation we offer to the heart of Christ is directed ultimately to the Father,who is pleased to see us united to Christ whenever we offer ourselves through him, with him andin him.BRINGING LOVE TO THE WORLD205. The Christian message is attractive when experienced and expressed in its totality: notsimply as a refuge for pious thoughts or an occasion for impressive ceremonies. What kind ofworship would we give to Christ if we were to rest content with an individual relationship with himand show no interest in relieving the sufferings of others or helping them to live a better life?Would it please the heart that so loved us, if we were to bask in a private religious experiencewhile ignoring its implications for the society in which we live? Let us be honest and accept theword of God in its fullness. On the other hand, our work as Christians for the betterment of societyshould not obscure its religious inspiration, for that, in the end, would be to seek less for ourbrothers and sisters than what God desires to give them. For this reason, we should conclude thischapter by recalling the missionary dimension of our love for the heart of Christ.206. Saint John Paul II spoke of the social dimension of devotion to the heart of Christ, but alsoabout %u201creparation, which is apostolic cooperation in the salvation of the world%u201d. [221] Consecrationto the heart of Christ is thus %u201cto be seen in relation to the Church%u2019s missionary activity, since itresponds to the desire of Jesus%u2019 heart to spread throughout the world, through the members of hisBody, his complete commitment to the Kingdom%u201d. [222] As a result, %u201cthrough the witness ofChristians, love will be poured into human hearts, to build up the body of Christ which is theChurch, and to build a society of justice, peace and fraternity%u201d. [223]207. The flames of love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus also expand through the Church%u2019smissionary outreach, which proclaims the message of God%u2019s love revealed in Christ. Saint Vincentde Paul put this nicely when he invited his disciples to pray to the Lord for %u201cthis spirit, this heartthat causes us to go everywhere, this heart of the Son of God, the heart of our Lord, that disposesus to go as he went%u2026 he sends us, like [the apostles], to bring fire everywhere%u201d. [224]208. Saint Paul VI, addressing religious Congregations dedicated to the spread of devotion to the48
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