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                                    185. Nor is a merely outward reparation sufficient, either for our world or for the heart of Christ. Ifeach of us considers his or her own sins and their effect on others, we will realize that repairingthe harm done to this world also calls for a desire to mend wounded hearts where the deepestharm was done, and the hurt is most painful.186. A spirit of reparation thus %u201cleads us to hope that every wound can be healed, however deep itmay be. Complete reparation may at times seem impossible, such as when goods or loved onesare definitively lost, or when certain situations have become irremediable. Yet the intention tomake amends, and to do so in a concrete way, is essential for the process of reconciliation and areturn to peace of heart%u201d. [198]The beauty of asking forgiveness187. Good intentions are not enough. There has to be an inward desire that finds expression inour outward actions. %u201cReparation, if it is to be Christian, to touch the offended person%u2019s heart andnot be a simple act of commutative justice, presupposes two demanding things:%u00a0acknowledgingour guilt and%u00a0asking forgiveness%u2026 It is from the honest acknowledgment of the wrong done to ourbrother or sister, and from the profound and sincere realization that love has been compromised,that the desire to make amends arises%u201d. [199]188. We should never think that acknowledging our sins before others is somehow demeaning oroffensive to our human dignity. On the contrary, it demands that we stop deceiving ourselves andacknowledge our past for what it is, marred by sin, especially in those cases when we caused hurtto our brothers and sisters. %u201cSelf-accusation is part of Christian wisdom%u2026 It is pleasing to the Lord,because the Lord accepts a contrite heart%u201d. [200]189. Part of this spirit of reparation is the custom of asking forgiveness from our brothers andsisters, which demonstrates great nobility amid our human weakness. Asking forgiveness is ameans of healing relationships, for it %u201cre-opens dialogue and manifests the will to re-establish thebond of fraternal charity%u2026 It touches the heart of our brother or sister, brings consolation andinspires acceptance of the forgiveness requested.%u00a0Even if the irreparable cannot be completelyrepaired, love can always be reborn, making the hurt bearable%u201d. [201]190. A heart capable of compunction will grow in fraternity and solidarity. Otherwise, %u201cwe regressand grow old within%u201d, whereas when %u201cour prayer becomes simpler and deeper, grounded inadoration and wonder in the presence of God, we grow and mature. We become less attached toourselves and more attached to Christ. Made poor in spirit, we draw closer to the poor, those whoare dearest to God%u201d. [202] This leads to a true spirit of reparation, for %u201cthose who feel compunctionof heart increasingly feel themselves brothers and sisters to all the sinners of the world;renouncing their airs of superiority and harsh judgments, they are filled with a burning desire toshow love and make reparation%u201d. [203] The sense of solidarity born of compunction also enables44
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