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                                    [172] Adv. Arium 1, 8: PL 8, 1044.[173] Tract. in Joannem 32, 4: PL 35, 1643.[174] Expos. in Ev. S. Joannis, cap. VII, lectio 5.[175] PIUS XII, Encyclical Letter Haurietis Aquas, 15 May 1956: AAS 48 (1956), 321.[176] SAINT JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater (25 March 1987), 38: AAS 79(1987), 411.[177] SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 62.[178] Ibid., 60.[179] Sermones super Cant., XX, 4: PL 183, 869.[180] Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, xxxv.[181] Sermon for the XVII Sunday after Pentecost.[182] %u00c9crits spirituels, Paris 1947, 67.[183] After 19 March 1902, all his letters begin with the words Jesus Caritas separated by a heartsurmounted by the cross.[184] Letter to l%u2019Abb%u00e9 Huvelin, 15 July 1904.[185] Letter to Dom Martin, 25 January 1903.[186] Cited in REN%u00c9 VOILLAUME , Les fraternit%u00e9s du P%u00e8re de Foucauld, Paris, 1946, 173.[187] M%u00e9ditations des saints %u00c9vangiles sur les passages relatifs %u00e0 quinze vertus, Nazareth, 1897-1898, Charit%u00e9 ( Mt 13:3), 60.[188] Ibid., Charit%u00e9 ( Mt 22:1), 90.[189] H. HUVELIN, Quelques directeurs d%u2019%u00e2mes au XVII si%u00e8cle, Paris, 1911, 97.[190] Conference, %u201cService of the Sick and Care of One%u2019s own Health%u201d, 11 November 1657.[191] Common Rules of the Congregation of the Mission, 17 May 1658, c. 2, 6.62
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