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[79] Ibid.[80] Apostolic Exhortation C%u2019est la Confiance (15 October 2023), 20: L%u2019Osservatore Romano, 16October 2023.[81] SAINT THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS, Autobiography, Ms A, 83v%u00b0.[82] SAINT MARIA FAUSTINA KOWALSKA, Diary, 47 (22 February 1931) , Marian Press,Stockbridge, 2011, p. 46.[83] Mishnah Sukkah, IV, 5, 9.[84] Letter to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Paray-le-Monial (France), 5 October1986: L%u2019Osservatore Romano, 7 October 1986, p. IX.[85] Acta Martyrum Lugdunensium, in EUSEBIUS OF CAESARIA, Historia Ecclesiastica, V, 1: PG20, 418.[86] RUFINUS, V, 1, 22, in GCS, Eusebius II, 1, p. 411, 13ff.[87] SAINT JUSTIN, Dial. 135,3: PG 6, 787[88] NOVATIAN, De Trinitate, 29: PL 3, 994; cf. SAINT GREGORY OF ELVIRA, TractatusOrigenis de libris Sanctarum Scripturarum, XX, 12: CSSL 69, 144.[89] Expl. Ps. 1:33: PL 14, 983-984.[90] Cf. Tract. in Ioannem 61, 6: PL 35, 1801.[91] Ep. ad Rufinum, 3, 4.3: PL 22, 334.[92] Sermones in Cant. 61, 4: PL 183, 1072.[93] Expositio altera super Cantica Canticorum, c. 1: PL 180, 487.[94] WILLIAM OF SAINT-THIERRY, De natura et dignitate amoris, 1: PL 184, 379.[95] ID., Meditivae Orationes, 8, 6: PL 180, 230.[96] SAINT BONAVENTURE, Lignum Vitae. De mysterio passionis, 30.57