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                                    [153] ID., Catechesis, 20 June 1979: L%u2019Osservatore Romano, 22 June 1979, 1.[154] COMBONIAN MISSIONARIES OF THE HEART OF JESUS, Rule of Life, 3.[155] SOCIETY OF THE SACRED HEART, Constitutions of 1982, 7.[156] Encyclical Letter Miserentissimus Redemptor (8 May 1928): AAS 20 (1928), 174.[157] The believer%u2019s act of faith has as its object not simply the doctrine proposed, but also unionwith Christ himself in the reality of his divine life (cf. SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS, SummaTheologiae, II-II, q. 1, a. 2, ad 2; q. 4, a. 1).[158] PIUS XI, Encyclical Letter Miserentissimus Redemptor (8 May 1928): AAS 20 (1928), 174.[159] Homily at the Chrism Mass, 28 March 2024: L%u2019Osservatore Romano, 28 March 2024, p. 2.[160] SAINT IGNATIUS LOYOLA, Spiritual Exercises, 203.[161] Homily at the Chrism Mass, 28 March 2024: L%u2019Osservatore Romano, 28 March 2024, p. 2.[162] SAINT MARGARET MARY ALACOQUE, Autobiography, n. 55.[163] Letter 133 to Father Croiset.[164] Autobiography, n. 92.[165] Encyclical Letter Annum Sacrum (25 May 1899): ASS 31 (1898-1899), 649.[166] IULIANUS IMP., Ep. XLIX ad Arsacium Pontificem Galatiae, Mainz, 1828, 90-91.[167] Ibid.[168] DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH, Declaration Dignitas Infinita (2 April2024), 19: L%u2019Osservatore Romano, 8 April 2024.[169] Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Letter to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus on the FiftiethAnniversary of the Encyclical %u201cHaurietis Aquas%u201d (15 May 2006): AAS 98 (2006), 461.[170] In Num. homil. 12, 1: PG 12, 657.[171] Epist. 29, 24: PL 16, 1060.61
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