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and good, where would I be today?%u201d [123] What Marie awakened in him was an intenseawareness of the love of Jesus. That was the essential thing, and centred on devotion to the heartof Jesus, in which he encountered unbounded mercy: %u201cLet us trust in the infinite mercy of the onewhose heart you led me to know%u201d. [124]131.Later, his spiritual director, Father Henri Huvelin, helped Charles to deepen his understandingof the inestimable mystery of %u201cthis blessed heart of which you spoke to me so often%u201d. [125] On 6June 1889, Charles consecrated himself to the Sacred Heart, in which he found a love withoutlimits. He told Christ, %u201cYou have bestowed on me so many benefits, that it would appearingratitude towards your heart not to believe that it is disposed to bestow on me every good,however great, and that your love and your generosity are boundless%u201d. [126] He was to become ahermit %u201cunder the name of the heart of Jesus%u201d. [127]132. On 17 May 1906, the same day in which Brother Charles, alone, could no longer celebrateMass, he wrote of his promise %u201cto let the heart of Jesus live in me, so that it is no longer I who live,but the heart of Jesus that lives in me, as he lived in Nazareth%u201d. [128] His friendship with Jesus,heart to heart, was anything but a privatized piety. It inspired the austere life he led in Nazareth,born of a desire to imitate Christ and to be conformed to him. His loving devotion to the heart ofJesus had a concrete effect on his style of life, and his Nazareth was nourished by his personalrelationship with the heart of Christ.Saint Therese of the Child Jesus133. Like Saint Charles de Foucauld, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus was influenced by the greatrenewal of devotion that swept nineteenth-century France. Father Almire Pichon, the spiritualdirector of her family, was seen as a devoted apostle of the Sacred Heart. One of her sisters tookas her name in religion %u201cSister Marie of the Sacred Heart%u201d, and the monastery that Thereseentered was dedicated to the Sacred Heart. Her devotion nonetheless took on certain distinctivetraits with regard to the customary piety of that age.134. When Therese was fifteen, she could speak of Jesus as the one %u201cwhose heart beats inunison with my own%u201d. [129] Two years later, speaking of the image of Christ%u2019s heart crowned withthorns, she wrote in a letter: %u201cYou know that I myself do not see the Sacred Heart as everyoneelse. I think that the Heart of my Spouse is mine alone, just as mine is his alone, and I speak tohim then in the solitude of this delightful heart to heart, while waiting to contemplate him one dayface to face%u201d. [130]135.In one of her poems, Therese voiced the meaning of her devotion, which had to do more withfriendship and assurance than with trust in her sacrifices:%u00a0%u00a0%u00a0%u00a0%u00a0%u00a0%u00a0%u00a0%u201cI need a heart burning with tenderness,30