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                                    divine heart of Jesus in some way replace our own; that he alone live and work in us and for us;that his will%u2026 work absolutely and without any resistance on our part; and finally that its affections,thoughts and desires take the place of our own, especially his love, so that he is loved in himselfand for our sakes. And so, this lovable heart being our all in all, we can say with Saint Paul that weno longer live our own lives, but it is he who lives within us%u201d. [116]123. In the first message that Saint Margaret Mary received, this invitation was expressed in vivid,fervent and loving terms. %u201cHe asked for my heart, which I asked him to take, which he did and thenplaced myself in his own adorable heart, from which he made me see mine like a little atomconsumed in the fiery furnace of his own%u201d. [117]124. At another point, we see that the one who gives himself to us is the risen and glorified Christ,full of life and light. If indeed, at different times, he spoke of the suffering that he endured for oursake and of the ingratitude with which it is met, what we see here are not so much his blood andpainful wounds, but rather the light and fire of the Lord of life. The wounds of the passion have notdisappeared, but are now transfigured. Here we see the paschal mystery in all its splendour:%u201cOnce, when the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, Jesus appeared, resplendent in glory, with hisfive wounds that appeared as so many suns blazing forth from his sacred humanity, but above allfrom his adorable breast, which seemed a fiery furnace. Opening his robe, he revealed his mostloving and lovable heart, which was the living source of those flames. Then it was that I discoveredthe ineffable wonders of his pure love, with which he loves men to the utmost, yet receives fromthem only ingratitude and indifference%u201d. [118]SAINT CLAUDE DE LA COLOMBI%u00c8RE125. When Saint Claude de La Colombi%u00e8re learned of the experiences of Saint Margaret Mary, heimmediately undertook her defence and began to spread word of the apparitions. Saint Claudeplayed a special role in developing the understanding of devotion to the Sacred Heart and itsmeaning in the light of the Gospel.126. Some of the language of Saint Margaret Mary, if poorly understood, might suggest unduetrust in our personal sacrifices and offerings. Saint Claude insists that contemplation of the heart ofJesus, when authentic, does not provoke self-complacency or a vain confidence in our ownexperiences or human efforts, but rather an ineffable abandonment in Christ that fills our life withpeace, security and decision. He expressed this absolute confidence most eloquently in acelebrated prayer:%u201cMy God, I am so convinced that you keep watch over those who hope in you, and that we canwant for nothing when we look for all in you, that I am resolved in the future to live free from everycare and to turn all my anxieties over to you... I shall never lose my hope. I shall keep it to the lastmoment of my life; and at that moment all the demons in hell will strive to tear it from me%u2026 Others28
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