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et living as we do in an age ofsuperficiality, rushing frenetically from one thing to another without really knowing why, and endingup as insatiable consumers and slaves to the mechanisms of a market unconcerned about thedeeper meaning of our lives, all of us need to rediscover the importance of the heart. [1]WHAT DO WE MEAN BY %u201cTHE HEART%u201d?3. In classical Greek, the word kard%u00eda denotes the inmost part of human beings, animals andplants. For Homer, it indicates not only the centre of the body, but also the human soul and spirit.In the Iliad, thoughts and feelings proceed from the heart and are closely bound one to another. [2]The heart appears as the locus of desire and the place where important decisions take shape. [3]In Plato, the heart serves, as it were, to unite the rational and instinctive aspects of the person,
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